To Him Who is Able | Jude 20-25

To Him Who is Able | Jude 20-25

The book of Jude is an urgent message to Christians to stand strong in their faith in the midst of the dangers of this world–in particular, there are warnings against false teachers who will try to make you fall away from the faith. As he nears the end of his letter, Jude encourages believers to build themselves up and keep themselves in the love of God. The Gospel lesson contains strong exhortations from Jesus to be on guard and stay awake in the midst of danger. This is scary stuff, especially on this Last Sunday of the Church Year when we consider the Last Day! But in verse 24, Jude says “now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy.” It is such good news that Jude is not asking “are you able to do this?” Instead, he is leading us in a closing doxology of praise to Jesus, who is able to keep us from stumbling and to present us blameless before the Father on the Last Day. This sermon will have us rejoice that our hope is not in our ability, but in the ability of Christ to save us.

On this Last Sunday of the church year, we hear strong warnings from both Jesus and Jude about dangers to our faith.

Most of Jude’s letter is filled with scary stuff. What can we learn from Jude?

False teachers are real and active.

Satan is real and active.

The stakes are very high as the Last Day approaches.

Jude’s encouragement/challenge to us: But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. (Jude 20-21)

“Now to him who is able…” Who is Jude talking about here? Are you able? 

“Now to Jesus who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. (Jude 24-25)

It’s The End Of The World As We Know It...And I Feel Fine | Daniel 12:1-3; Hebrews 10:19-25; Mark 13:1-13

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Its The End Of The World As We Know It…And I Feel Fine”

  1. When you think about the last day, what do you think about?

  2. Why do you think people throughout the ages have tried to predict when Jesus will return?

  3. What are some of the “love and good works” that other people have done that have stirred you to do your own love and good works?

  4. What are some of the benefits we gain by meeting together as God’s people?

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Two Widows Teach Us All | 1 Kings 17:8-16; Mark 12:38-44

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Two Widows Teach Us All”

  1. When we say “I believe” at the beginning of our creeds it is not simply a statement of our doctrinal confession, but it is actually a declaration of our commitment to a “lifestyle”. Discuss

  2. God protected Elijah and took care of him…..but then sent him on a mission that took him out of his comfort zone. What is it about our mission to the American culture in 2024 that takes us out of our Christian comfort zone?

  3. The two widows introduced to us in the Old Testament lesson and the Gospel lesson both teach us a lesson in the call to GO ALL IN…… trust the Lord when He promises to provide for all we need in this life. Discuss a time in your life when you had nothing but FAITH to get you through.

  4. First comes “I BELIEVE”…..than follows “OBEDIENCE”. You really can’t have one without the other. Discuss what happens when you disconnect them.

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Different, Yet the Same | Revelation 7:9-17

Different, Yet the Same | Revelation 7:9-17

On this All Saints’ Day, Pastor Smith reflects upon the picture of the heavenly multitude of saints praising God into eternity. We remember those who have died in the past year and are now with the Lord, and we long for the day when our voices will be joined with theirs to glorify God forever and ever. In this sermon, Pastor Smith leads us to realize that even though there are many connections we might find in this life, that there is only one connection that is the deepest and strongest and most meaningful. That connection is the one we have by faith in Christ. We will see how truly our most powerful connections are with people in our church, the Church on earth, and even the Church Triumphant in heaven. We will also rejoice in the amazing diversity and amazing uniformity found among God’s saints.

We go through life trying to connect with people who are like us.

There are good ways to connect. There are bad ways to connect. And then there is the very best way to connect.

There is no greater connection than the faith we share with fellow Christians.

There is an amazing diversity, as well as an amazing uniformity, among God’s saints.

The connection God gives to us by faith is not only for this life, but will also be an eternal connection.

Hold Tightly To Jesus | John 8:31-36

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Hold Tightly To Jesus”

  1. The Jews saw their standing before God based upon being descendants of Abraham. Do you think Christians today get too “confident” in things other than Jesus?

  2. What do you typically think of when you hear an “if…then” type of statement? What are your thoughts on what Jesus says in this text? (John 8:31-36)

  3. Pastor Josh talks about Jesus’ grip upon us being more important than our grip upon him. What’s the role of/importance of our grip upon him?

  4. Discuss the statement: “The object of our faith (Jesus) is more important than the strength of our faith.”

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Impossible Squeezes Are Possible With Jesus | Mark 10:23-34

Impossible Squeezes Are Possible With Jesus | Mark 10:23-34

Today we consider part 2 of this conversation involving the rich young man, Jesus, and His disciples. Last week we left off right as the rich man was leaving Jesus. Jesus now turns to His disciples to finish the teaching, and He uses an exaggerated example about a camel squeezing through the eye of a needle to make His point. With man, it is absolutely impossible to enter the kingdom of God. There are many things, riches or otherwise, that would prevent us. It takes Jesus Himself squeezing through, bleeding and suffering, to save us. Of course, He also needs to squeeze us through in the process of dying to self and being sanctified. Join Pastor Smith as he walks through this challenging text and finds the good news that nothing is impossible with God.

The rich young man has just walked away sorrowful, and Jesus continues to teach His disciples…

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”


“With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.”

Jesus Himself gets squeezed through the eye of the needle to save us.

Jesus also squeezes us through the eye of the needle, straining away all sinful idols and obstacles.

Jesus Looked Hard Into His Eyes...And Loved Him | Mark 10:17-22

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Jesus Looked Hard Into His Eyes...And Loved Him”

  1. The preamble to the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20 has two parts: God says, “remember who I am” and “remember what I did for you”……Now, therefore HAVE NO OTHER GODS ABOVE ME. And then comes the other 9 commandments. Luther reminds us that if we could keep this first commandment….we could keep them all. Discuss the horror of IDOLATRY in our lives.

  2. Pastor Buegler showed the picture Thomas Blackshear painted called FORGIVEN. What does that picture say to the rich young ruler that came to Jesus….and what does it say to us? Did you see the hammer in the man’s right hand? Blackshear says that’s the hammer by which we pounded the nails of our sin into Jesus on the cross. And yet, by God’s grace, we are FORGIVEN.

  3. Jesus told the rich young ruler to “go sell everything and give it to the poor”. Yet, this account is not really about money (that’s coming next week). Today we are confronted with self righteousness. Why do even the religious “rules” sometimes cloud our eyes into thinking eternity is all about keeping rules. Isn’t our piety (rule keeping) important?

  4. John Calvin said: “The human heart is an idol factory”. What are you manufacturing? What does society lead us to manufacture? If there is a throne in our souls….how do we make sure our loving God remains seated there through all our daily priorities and decisions? How does God’s Word and Sacrament, worship and fellowship, prayer and devotion help us?

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Highly Flavored | 1 Samuel 3:1-10; Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 1:26-38

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Highly Flavored”

  1. What was your first job?

  2. Is there a situation where you think, “Why would God ever use me for this?”

  3. Who is the person in the Bible that you most think, “If God can use THIS person, maybe he can use me”? Why?

  4. What’s something you feel God has used you for?

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I Believe! Help My Unbelief | Mark 9:14-29

I Believe! Help My Unbelief | Mark 9:14-29

Today we look at a very short, raw, and candid prayer that a father prays to Jesus as he is seeking healing for his son. “I believe! Help my unbelief.” It sounds rather confusing at first glance…how can you both believe and disbelieve at the same time? This is most likely an inner struggle we have experienced, but maybe we haven’t put it quite into these words. We will explore the difference between unbelief and doubt. Is the father judging his doubt too harshly and calling it unbelief? Does he believe? What happens in our prayer life when we don’t have faith as strong as we would like, and we are prone to doubt? We will wrestle with these questions and ultimately we will take confidence and comfort in Jesus. After all, prayer is less about ourselves and what we lack and more about Jesus and what He has. 

The father senses how serious this situation is and he panics. If the outcome rests upon the strength of his faith, then he is in big trouble!

What’s the difference between unbelief and doubt?

Do you believe in yourself, or do you believe in Jesus? 

We get into trouble when we focus more on the strength of our own faith, rather than on the One in whom we put our faith.

“Nothing so furthers our prayer life as the feeling of our own helplessness.”

Discussion Guide

What do you think is the difference between unbelief and doubt?

How do you know how strong your faith is? Can you think of times in your life when your faith felt very strong? Very weak? What factors affected this for you?

Why is it that so often we focus more on ourselves and our strength and abilities, rather than focusing more on Jesus?

What is one thing you’ve learned from this story that will help you going forward in your prayer life?

A Prayer for Koinonia | Philippians 1:3-11, Acts 2:42-47, and Luke 19:1-10

Sermon Discussion Questions | “A Prayer for Koinonia”

  1. The congregation in Philippi was very special to St. Paul as he sat in a Roman prison. He remembered them because of their “partnership in the Gospel”. Is there a congregation or a Christian ministry that you thank God for when you remember what they mean to you? Discuss your answer.

  2. There’s an old question that is asked: “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is: “One bite at a time”. The mission of the church to seek the lost… make disciples of all nations…..but who of us is up to such a challenge? Discuss what your “bite of the pie” just might be. And aren’t you joyful that you are not in this mission alone?

  3. As today’s culture closes its ears to the voice of the church of Jesus Christ, it should be easier to see that Christians don’t have enough energy to waste on fighting one another. Rather, we need more and more to thank God for the partnership we have with all Christians who speak the Apostle’s creed as their faith confession? Discuss the balance we must have partnering with Christian denominations other than Lutheran and yet not watering down our precious Lutheran doctrine.

  4. Make a list of all the ministries we partner with at St. Paul. You’ll NEVER list them all. Which ones are you thanking God for today?

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Praying Like A Wise Guy | 1 Kings 3:3-15

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Praying Like A Wise Guy”

  1. Do you feel the most used apps on your phone reflect your heart/desires? Why or why not?

  2. Do you find it easy or difficult to pray for people and circumstances for those outside of those close to you?

  3. Has someone in your life been an answer to prayer for you?

  4. What has God put on your heart? How long has it been there?

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Pray To The One Who Won’t Delay | Luke 18:1-8

Pray To The One Who Won’t Delay | Luke 18:1-8

Today we look at a parable Jesus tells in Luke chapter 18 about the “persistent widow.” Luke helpfully tells us that Jesus specifically told this parable so that people who hear it would keep praying and not lose heart. What is one main reason why people might lose heart when they are praying? If the one to whom they pray refuses to help or delays in answering. This is precisely what the unrighteous judge in this parable does…but even he eventually does help the poor widow! Jesus invites us to contrast this unrighteous judge with the righteous heavenly Father we have. And when we have confidence that God will give just to us speedily and answer our prayers, we are then led to always pray and to not lose heart. 

Have you ever felt like the widow in Jesus’ parable? Have you ever been close to losing heart in your prayer life?

The widow may have been close to losing heart, but it is the unrighteous judge who loses his patience first.

Jesus invites us to contrast the judge with the Father. 

It may seem like God is delaying while we are praying…

But God truly does answer every prayer. He answers our prayers justly according to His will. 

Discussion Guide

Have you ever felt like the widow in Jesus’ parable?

In what circumstances might we actually prefer praying to the unrighteous judge rather than to God?

How does Jesus’ teaching here cause you to have more confidence in praying to God?

Can you think of a time when God answered your prayer differently than how you wanted, and how He gave you His grace and strength to help in your weakness?

Hannah's Prayer | 1 Samuel 1:1-20

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Hannah’s Prayer”

  1. What’s something you’ve encountered that, on the surface, appears to be very easy to achieve, but


  2. Are there any of the 4 misconceptions about prayer that pastor mentioned that you either relate to the most, or see the most from others?

  3. If someone asked you, “Why should I pray?” what would your response be?

  4. How can you still be desperate in your prayers to God since you already know Jesus and know

    God will provide for you?

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Let Jesus In | Revelation 3:20

Let Jesus In | Revelation 3:20

This week we launch a year-long emphasis on prayer under the title of “In Jesus’ Name.” Over the next six weeks we will focus on some famous Biblical examples and teachings on prayer so that we can grow in the way we utilize this precious gift from God. Too many times we have a misunderstanding of how prayer works. We have it all backward. We think that we are the ones who have to go seek out Jesus and initiate the conversation. But when we look at Revelation 3:20, we learn that it is Jesus who is knocking on our door and that prayer is simply about letting Him in…letting Him into our lives, our problems, our pains, our joys, whatever is happening. He desires to be involved so that He can bring His power and strength to help us in whatever way we need. This sermon will explore how too often we fail to make use of the gift of prayer, and it will also set the stage for how we can grow in this important area of the Christian life.

Be Very Careful How You Live

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Be Very Careful How You Live”

  1. Read the “Beatitudes” from Matthew 5:1-12. Now read them again substituting the word HAPPY for the word BLESSED. Wow… just sounds awful, doesn’t it? So, what is more important when it comes to our inalienable right the Creator gives us to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”?

  2. Discuss the challenge and testimony that Joshua gave the people of Israel as they entered the “promised land”. Are you going to choose the gods of this world? My house is going to serve the Lord. Make that a 2024 challenge for each of our houses. And how is it a tough choice?

  3. So, St Paul tells us to stay connected to our Father’s will for our lives. If the Father’s will is defined by the MISSION He gave us to be Christ’s BODY, the church in this world…..discuss some says to stay connected to that MISSION?

  4. When we think of the days being evil, why is it important to make the best use of our time as Christians? Remember, “work while it is day before the night comes when no one can work”. And why do you think the darkness of this world doesn’t not want to be

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Dead Bread or Living Bread? | John 6:35-51

Dead Bread or Living Bread? | John 6:35-51

This sermon is based on Jesus’ teaching from John 6:35-51, while also connecting to the story of Elijah from 1 Kings 19:1-8. The Jews are bewildered by Jesus calling Himself the “Bread of Life/Living Bread.” They can’t fathom a better bread than the manna Moses gave them in the wilderness many generations ago. I will explore how we as humans toil and struggle after “dead bread”, which only leads to our own demise. Elijah is an example–he thought he had done all that he could. He was lying down praying for his death, when the angel of the Lord sent bread to sustain him. So we too, after a long toiling after “dead bread”, receive the Bread of Life–Jesus Himself. We will discuss why it is hard for us to accept Jesus as the bread of life, and how He truly is the only way to life.

“Dead bread” is anything that fills you up for a while but ultimately leads to despair and death.

What is the dead bread in your life?

The story of Elijah from the book of 1 Kings

In the midst of Elijah’s despair, God comes and gives him bread to sustain him.

Jesus Himself is the living bread that we need. What looks different when we receive Jesus as our bread?

We don’t hunger anymore. Jesus fills us with what we need.

Jesus will never lose us.

Even though we die, Jesus will raise us up to eternal life.

Discussion Guide

What is the “dead bread” in your life? What is it about dead bread (or about us) that makes it look so appetizing to us?

What was the struggle the Jews were having with understanding and accepting Jesus’ teaching? 

What stands out about Elijah’s story? In what way can you relate?

What have you found to be the difference in your life when you have fed on “dead bread” vs. feeding on Jesus, the living bread?

Looking Back To Go Forward | Exodus 16:2-15

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Looking Back To Go Forward”

  1. What are some things in your life that you trust in every single day?

  2. What’s a time in your life when you felt like you were between a rock and a hard place with no way out, but God provided?

  3. Which petition of the Lord’s Prayer do you find the most difficult to truly pray? Why?

  4. Does God require blind faith from us? Why or why not?

  5. What is “the peace which surpasses all understanding?” Why can we have it by trusting in God?

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IYKYK | Mark 6:45-56

IYKYK | Mark 6:45-56

The disciples do not know Jesus when they see him walking on the water. Not only do they fail to recognize him, but they become even more afraid when they see him because they think He’s a ghost! By stark contrast, the people at Gennesaret in the second story recognize him immediately and know that he brings healing and salvation. I want to focus on how if you know Jesus, then you know who He is and what He offers. If you know him, you recognize him in any context. This sermon explores what might cause us not to recognize him. How it’s dangerous for us to be away from Him. How we need to know Him, REALLY know Him, so that He will bring us peace and confidence and salvation at all times, even if we are far away, in a storm, etc.

IYKYK = ______________________________________________

In the Gospels, it can sometimes seem like knowing Jesus is an IYKYK situation.

Let’s take a look at who knows Jesus in Mark 6:45-56…

The disciples fail to recognize Jesus. In stark contrast, the people of Gennesaret immediately recognize Him!

If you know Jesus, then in your greatest need you see Him, you take heart, and you are no longer afraid.

If you don’t know Jesus, then even in your greatest need you see Him and are afraid.

Knowing Jesus is not some kind of IYKYK exclusive, inside information situation. Anyone can know Jesus. Here’s how…

Discussion Guide

How do you feel if you find yourself on the wrong side of an IYKYK situation (Translation: how do you feel if you are on the outside looking in on an inside joke, insider information, etc)?

What is the difference between the disciples’ reaction to seeing Jesus (Mark 6:45-52) and the people’s reaction at Gennesaret (Mark 6:53-56)? Why do you think this is the case?

What would make someone look at Jesus and be afraid?

What does it mean to “know Jesus?” How can I know Him?

Theological Compass | Mark 6:30-44

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Theological Compass”

  1. What period of time during the history of God’s people would you choose to live in if you had to choose one?

  2. Do you notice subtly damaging “Christian” teachings anywhere in society?

  3. How will you go “ad fontes”, back to the source? What reading plan/book of the Bible are you/will you begin reading?

  4. How would you address someone that claims to be a Christian, but believes something that contradicts scripture? (Being a Christian means to just love; there isn’t a literal heaven/hell; etc.).

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Truth and Its Consequences | Mark 6:14-29

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Truth and Its Consequences”

  1. Last weekend our Gospel lesson from John 8 told us that to know JESUS was to know the TRUTH that would set us free. This weekend’s Gospel tells us the consequence doing so brought to John the Baptist. He lost his life for the TRUTH. Discuss the physical and emotional cost of Christians today (here and around the world) when we stand up for the TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD AND WILL.

  2. King Herod could not handle the truth as delivered by John the Baptist. That’s more than a great line from the movie “A Few Good Men”, when an army general says to his adversary: “You can’t handle the truth”. What are ways which the world today just can’t HANDLE THE TRUTH of God’s Word and Will?

  3. If the world doesn’t hear the TRUTH from the Christians living as His body in this world…..then discuss where “in the world” they will ever hear and learn it? What if we are this world’s only hope to distinguish the truth from all the lies Satan spews out? Do you see the eternal consequences?

  4. Share some really practical ways you can learn, live and share the TRUTH from God that sets us free.

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