This week we launch a year-long emphasis on prayer under the title of “In Jesus’ Name.” Over the next six weeks we will focus on some famous Biblical examples and teachings on prayer so that we can grow in the way we utilize this precious gift from God. Too many times we have a misunderstanding of how prayer works. We have it all backward. We think that we are the ones who have to go seek out Jesus and initiate the conversation. But when we look at Revelation 3:20, we learn that it is Jesus who is knocking on our door and that prayer is simply about letting Him in…letting Him into our lives, our problems, our pains, our joys, whatever is happening. He desires to be involved so that He can bring His power and strength to help us in whatever way we need. This sermon will explore how too often we fail to make use of the gift of prayer, and it will also set the stage for how we can grow in this important area of the Christian life.
Do you have something valuable that you rarely use?
What are some of the main reasons why we don’t pray?
The main misunderstanding we have about prayer is that we look at prayer backwards. We don’t initiate prayer. Jesus does. Rev. 3:20: Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
The two most important things we need for prayer are helplessness and faith.
Sermon Discussion Questions | “Let Jesus In”
Do you have something valuable that you rarely use? Why do you think that is?
There are many reasons why we don’t pray as often as we should. What is the main reason for you?
How does Revelation 3:20 and Pastor Smith’s sermon today change how you think about prayer? Did you have the concept of prayer backwards too?
In what ways have you felt helpless? What do you usually do when you feel that way?
How does the combination of helplessness and faith lead to a vibrant prayer life?
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