Men’s Ministry continues to grow in depth and reach. We are always looking for leaders who will facilitate additional ministry groups and service opportunities. If that sounds like you, contact the pastors. We want to work with you. Contact Pastor Smith if you have a heart and passion for Men’s Ministry or (440) 835-3050.

Service Opportunities:

Confirmed members of all ages (men or women) are needed to serve as ushers. On the job training is offered. If you are interested in serving contact the Church Office at (440) 835-3050.

Facilities Maintenance & Repairs
If you would like to serve the church by helping in this area, whether it is indoor or outdoor maintenance or with landscaping, contact the Church Office at (440) 835-3050.

Men’s Monthly Study & Breakfast

Men meet on the second Saturday morning of each month in the Cafeteria, 8:15-9:30am. Enjoy a thought-provoking study, fellowship and a bagel breakfast. Dave Snyder leads the study and can be reached at (440) 892-0192 or at

Young Adult Men

Young Adults (ages 22-28)

We offer:

-Monthly fellowship events (check out the worship bulletin and/or the monthly Newsletter for details

-Social time to hang out and get to know people your age

-Drop in on an event whenever you’re able to (you don’t have to be a regular attender to come)

-Invite friends who don’t attend St. Paul

-Bible study every week

Contact Kyle Stevens (440) 506-6675 for more information.