
At St. Paul, we believe that God’s amazing gift of baptism is for ALL people (Matt. 28), and this includes newborns. If you are thinking about or even just wanting to know about potentially baptizing your baby (or child of any age), please reach out to us. Call the church office at (440) 835-3050 or ask to speak with Pastor Smith or Pastor Josh.

In addition to walking you through what baptism is, we offer gifts to help you continue to nurture your child’s faith throughout their life, including resources for spiritual growth to equip you to raise your child(ren) in the faith. 

Sunday school (3 years old & potty trained through 4th grade)

Sunday school is offered by people who love Jesus and love sharing Jesus’ love with children!

Sunday School for young children consists of:

-Opening with songs, praise, games and activities to engage children in creative and fun ways.

-Small groups are then led by adult shepherds and teachers; grouped by preschool and pre-K, K-1st, and 2nd-4th. 

-More than just crafts, Bible stories and coloring, our program also celebrates holidays in big ways; annual Christmas program, Easter egg hunt, monthly celebrations for baptismal birthdays and more! 

-Prize incentives to encourage attendance, inviting friends and giving to Church ministries.

Parents escort their children to the STEAM Lab (first floor of the school) and an adult shepherd will guide him/her/them to the appropriate area for the opening of Sunday school activities. Pick up your child in the same area immediately following worship service or Bible study.