Be Very Careful How You Live

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Be Very Careful How You Live”

  1. Read the “Beatitudes” from Matthew 5:1-12. Now read them again substituting the word HAPPY for the word BLESSED. Wow… just sounds awful, doesn’t it? So, what is more important when it comes to our inalienable right the Creator gives us to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”?

  2. Discuss the challenge and testimony that Joshua gave the people of Israel as they entered the “promised land”. Are you going to choose the gods of this world? My house is going to serve the Lord. Make that a 2024 challenge for each of our houses. And how is it a tough choice?

  3. So, St Paul tells us to stay connected to our Father’s will for our lives. If the Father’s will is defined by the MISSION He gave us to be Christ’s BODY, the church in this world…..discuss some says to stay connected to that MISSION?

  4. When we think of the days being evil, why is it important to make the best use of our time as Christians? Remember, “work while it is day before the night comes when no one can work”. And why do you think the darkness of this world doesn’t not want to be

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