Dead Bread or Living Bread? | John 6:35-51

This sermon is based on Jesus’ teaching from John 6:35-51, while also connecting to the story of Elijah from 1 Kings 19:1-8. The Jews are bewildered by Jesus calling Himself the “Bread of Life/Living Bread.” They can’t fathom a better bread than the manna Moses gave them in the wilderness many generations ago. I will explore how we as humans toil and struggle after “dead bread”, which only leads to our own demise. Elijah is an example–he thought he had done all that he could. He was lying down praying for his death, when the angel of the Lord sent bread to sustain him. So we too, after a long toiling after “dead bread”, receive the Bread of Life–Jesus Himself. We will discuss why it is hard for us to accept Jesus as the bread of life, and how He truly is the only way to life.

Dead bread” is anything that fills you up for a while but ultimately leads to despair and death.

What is the dead bread in your life?

The story of Elijah from the book of 1 Kings

  • In the midst of Elijah’s despair, God comes and gives him bread to sustain him.

  • Jesus Himself is the living bread that we need. What looks different when we receive Jesus as our bread?

  • We don’t hunger anymore. Jesus fills us with what we need.

  • Jesus will never lose us.

  • Even though we die, Jesus will raise us up to eternal life.

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Dead Bread or Living Bread?”

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