Today we look at a parable Jesus tells in Luke chapter 18 about the “persistent widow.” Luke helpfully tells us that Jesus specifically told this parable so that people who hear it would keep praying and not lose heart. What is one main reason why people might lose heart when they are praying? If the one to whom they pray refuses to help or delays in answering. This is precisely what the unrighteous judge in this parable does…but even he eventually does help the poor widow! Jesus invites us to contrast this unrighteous judge with the righteous heavenly Father we have. And when we have confidence that God will give just to us speedily and answer our prayers, we are then led to always pray and to not lose heart.
Have you ever felt like the widow in Jesus’ parable? Have you ever been close to losing heart in your prayer life?
The widow may have been close to losing heart, but it is the unrighteous judge who loses his patience first.
Jesus invites us to contrast the judge with the Father.
It may seem like God is delaying while we are praying…
But God truly does answer every prayer. He answers our prayers justly according to His will.
Sermon Discussion Questions | “Pray To The One Who Won’t Delay”
Have you ever felt like the widow in Jesus’ parable?
In what circumstances might we actually prefer praying to the unrighteous judge rather than to God?
How does Jesus’ teaching here cause you to have more confidence in praying to God?
Can you think of a time when God answered your prayer differently than how you wanted, and how He gave you His grace and strength to help in your weakness?
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