Sermon Discussion Questions | “A Prayer for Koinonia”
The congregation in Philippi was very special to St. Paul as he sat in a Roman prison. He remembered them because of their “partnership in the Gospel”. Is there a congregation or a Christian ministry that you thank God for when you remember what they mean to you? Discuss your answer.
There’s an old question that is asked: “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is: “One bite at a time”. The mission of the church to seek the lost… make disciples of all nations…..but who of us is up to such a challenge? Discuss what your “bite of the pie” just might be. And aren’t you joyful that you are not in this mission alone?
As today’s culture closes its ears to the voice of the church of Jesus Christ, it should be easier to see that Christians don’t have enough energy to waste on fighting one another. Rather, we need more and more to thank God for the partnership we have with all Christians who speak the Apostle’s creed as their faith confession? Discuss the balance we must have partnering with Christian denominations other than Lutheran and yet not watering down our precious Lutheran doctrine.
Make a list of all the ministries we partner with at St. Paul. You’ll NEVER list them all. Which ones are you thanking God for today?
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