Truth and Its Consequences | Mark 6:14-29

Sermon Discussion Questions | “Truth and Its Consequences”

  1. Last weekend our Gospel lesson from John 8 told us that to know JESUS was to know the TRUTH that would set us free. This weekend’s Gospel tells us the consequence doing so brought to John the Baptist. He lost his life for the TRUTH. Discuss the physical and emotional cost of Christians today (here and around the world) when we stand up for the TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD AND WILL.

  2. King Herod could not handle the truth as delivered by John the Baptist. That’s more than a great line from the movie “A Few Good Men”, when an army general says to his adversary: “You can’t handle the truth”. What are ways which the world today just can’t HANDLE THE TRUTH of God’s Word and Will?

  3. If the world doesn’t hear the TRUTH from the Christians living as His body in this world…..then discuss where “in the world” they will ever hear and learn it? What if we are this world’s only hope to distinguish the truth from all the lies Satan spews out? Do you see the eternal consequences?

  4. Share some really practical ways you can learn, live and share the TRUTH from God that sets us free.

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