The Creator Ties Himself To What He Has Made | Acts 17:24-31 and Matthew 6:25-30

God is Creator. While he is transcendent, wholly other from His creation, He is also active and committed to revealing Himself and redeeming His creation which has fallen through man’s sin. We will study Acts 17:24-31 and Matthew 6:25-30 to see God’s work in His creation.

Sermon Questions:

1) Thank Him - What if every morning you simply prayed a thanksgiving petition to your Creator God for 3 of the gifts in your life? What might such a habit do to your day?

2) Praise Him - What if at the end of the day you simply told your Creator God “I love You”, “I adore You”, “I want You to know I PRAISE You for giving Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord”?

3) Serve Him - What if every time you expected someone to do something for stopped for a moment at thought of ways you could do something for another person? Not to be served......but to SERVE. What does that sentence mean to you?

4) Obey Him - We just finished reading Luther’s explanations to the Ten Commandments. What if you reviewed God’s law for your life often? Do think of them as God’s rules to take your freedom away? Or do you see them as God’s gift to help you really enjoy the privilege of obedience?

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