Called & Enlightened: 3rd Article of the Creed | Isaiah 55:6-13 and John 15:1-8, 26-27

Sermon Summary: Isaiah 55:6-13, John 15:1-8, 26-27

Often when we think about our salvation, we think about Jesus, and rightly so! It is at the name of Jesus that we are saved. It is by the wounds of Jesus we are healed. But the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in connecting us, in faith, to what Jesus has done for us. Join us as we continue our journey through the Catechism this week, focusing on the third article of the Creed- the Holy Spirit.

Sermon Notes: Called and Enlightened

  1. The Holy Spirit brings us to the treasures won for us by Christ.

  2. The Holy Spirit calls us by the Gospel.

  3. We worship one God; three distinct persons. 

  4. The Holy Spirit is as important to our salvation as Jesus is. 

Discussion: Isaiah 55:6-13 and John 15:1-8, 26-27

  1. What’s the closest you’ve ever been to “treasure hunting”?

  2. What’s your response to the quote read about the Holy Spirit bringing us to the treasure that Jesus won for us, and how without the Spirit, they would remain lost?

  3. When you think about “God,” what do you think about first? When you pray, how do you envision/think about God?

  4. From the explanation of the 3rd article of the Creed, “...but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightening me with his gifts…” What does it mean to be “called by the Gospel”? What does it mean to be “enlightened with his gifts”?

  5. React to Pastor Josh’s statement: “The Holy Spirit is as important to our salvation as Jesus is.” 

  6. Have you ever seen someone in your life change from the Spirit working in their life? (See the “fruit of the spirit” in Galatians 5). 


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