“My Love/Hate Relationship with God’s Law” | Exodus 20:1-11 and Matthew 22:34-40

As we begin our series preaching/reading through Luther’s Small Catechism during Lent, Pastor Smith starts us off with the 10 Commandments–specifically the “First Table” of the Law, dealing with our relationship with God. We hear the will of God for our life, partially expressed in the 10 Commandments. And because we are sinners and saints at the same time, we have a “love/hate” relationship with God’s revealed Law. We will explore the different uses of God’s Law in our lives, as well as how our relationship with God ultimately affects our relationship with our neighbor. And we will learn why God’s Law is a blessing for us to love and cherish!

Sermon Notes: Our Love/Hate Relationship with God’s Law

We have a love/hate relationship with God’s Law because we are saints and sinners at the same time. 

  • Even though we respond to God’s Law with hate, God responds to us with love.

  • The first three commandments deal with our relationship with God.

  • How does God use the first three commandments to deepen the loving relationship He has created with us?

  • 1st commandment: God teaches us to depend on Him for everything.

  • 2nd commandment: God teaches us how to use the blessing of His name.

  • 3rd commandment: God teaches us how He wants to spend time with us.

Discussion Guide: Love/Hate Relationship with God’s Law

  1. Describe your own “love/hate” relationship with God’s Law (especially the 10 Commandments).

  2. How does the Law differ from the Gospel? What role does each play in the life of a Christian? (Wait a minute…what good is the Law for someone who is already a Christian???)

  3. The meaning of the 1st commandment says this: “We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.” Which of those three verbs is most difficult? Why? 

  4. The meaning to most of the commandments contain both a negative and a positive side. When it comes to the 2nd commandment, what is one way you will fulfill the “positive” side and use God’s name as the blessing it is for you?

  5. Regarding the 3rd commandment, describe a time in your life when you have prioritized spending time with God regularly. How did that affect your relationship with Him?

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