How Does Anyone Get to Heaven? | Romans 3:21-25 | John 14:6

“How Does Anyone Get to Heaven?”

Pastor Smith

Last week Pastor Josh discussed what Christians believe about death, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. This week, Pastor Smith responds to the question of how anyone receives that gift of life everlasting. Join him as he takes us through the teaching on which the Christian church stands or falls–justification by grace through faith. Can I really be saved by faith alone? Really??? Let’s search through the Scriptures to see the fullness of the Gospel and the promises of God in Christ Jesus.

People love to ask about exceptions to the rules.

Romans 3:21-25

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

Why do we pursue the exceptions to the rules?

–The Gospel sounds too good to be true.

–We are looking for fault in God.

–We are trying to defend God.

–We want other options.

Justification by grace through faith in Christ–the teaching on which the church stands or falls.

“To be justified means that just people are made out of unjust people.” (Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV)

So what is the process God uses to justify us?

God’s Gracious Delivery System–the Holy Spirit working through the Word and Sacraments.

Discussion Guide

  1. Why do you think we love to look for exceptions in everyday life? What about when it comes to things concerning our salvation?

  2. What is the hardest thing for you to accept about the teaching of how we are saved only by grace through faith? 

  3. What is the most wonderful thing about the teaching of how we are saved only by grace through faith?

  4. What do you learn about God when you study His “gracious delivery system” of giving us all the blessings Christ has won for us on the cross?



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