How Can I Be Sure the Bible is True? | 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, John 20:24-31

A common concern among Christians is that the Bible might be unreliable. We get concerned because our entire future hope is based on the message of salvation the Bible teaches us! And the world has some favorite arguments that it puts forward to shake our trust in the authority and truth of the Bible. Join Pastor Smith this week as we explore some of these biggest concerns. We will learn some ways to better understand how we got the Bible, how to respond to some of the world’s most popular claims against the Bible, and ultimately and most importantly, we will grow in our confidence that God has preserved His truth and presented it to us in His Word.

The Bible is True and Trustworthy

A common claim against Christians is that your brain and your Bible do not go together.

Today we will learn how to respond to some of the most common claims against the Bible, and we will grow in our confidence that God has given us the truth in the Bible.

We believe in the Bible because of Jesus…not the other way around.

Who wrote the Bible? God or humans? Answer: Both.

The Scriptures have been faithfully and obsessively passed down through the centuries.

The answer to any question we have regarding certainty or confidence is Jesus.

Discussion Guide: Truth of the Bible

  1. If someone asked you “How do you know the Bible is true?”, how would you respond?

  2. For you personally, what is the most common “fear” you have when you think about the Bible and its reliability?

  3. Describe an experience you’ve had when reading the Bible when you have had to use both faith and reason. What was it like? 

  4. What is one takeaway from this message that has given you increased confidence in God’s Word?

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