What Does the Kingdom of God Look Like? | Acts 2:14a, 36-41 and Luke 24:13-35

Sermon Summary: What Does the Kingdom of God Look Like?

As we continue our focus on how we can “join Jesus on His mission,” we reflect this week on how the mission of Jesus is to bring His kingdom into this world. But what does the kingdom look like? For those who follow Jesus already, it will look like Christian community, hearing God’s Word, the fruit of the Spirit being evident, etc. But for those who don’t follow Jesus, the kingdom of God will usually look like human need. How does Jesus respond to the needs of humans who are not in a faith relationship with Him? How can we join Jesus in what He is already doing in their lives?

Sermon Notes: What Does the Kingdom of God Look Like?

Jesus is risen and active in this world right now.

What does the kingdom of God look like?

The kingdom of God will usually look like human need.

We don’t have to wonder where Jesus is. Wherever there is a human need, that’s where Jesus will be.

Acts 2:37– Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said… “Brothers, what shall we do?”

How can we join Jesus in bringing the kingdom to those in need?

Luke 24:33-34– And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem. And they found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together, saying, “The Lord has risen indeed and has appeared to Simon!”

Discussion Guide: What Does the Kingdom of God Look Like?

  1. How have you seen Jesus active in this world lately?

  2. When you think about joining Jesus on His mission, what is the scariest thing about it?

  3. When you think about joining Jesus on His mission, what is the most exciting thing about it?

  4. React to this statement: “The kingdom of God will usually look like human need.” How have you found this to be true?

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