The Mysterious Middle | Mark 4:26-29

This week we focus on a parable Jesus tells about the kingdom of God. A man scatters seed and looks forward to the harvest, but when the seed is in the ground and growing, he doesn’t know how that process works. Jesus tells this parable to communicate a truth about His kingdom–the fact that there is a beginning and an end, but the middle can be very mysterious to humans. How long will this middle process last? What is God doing? In this sermon, Pastor Smith explores what the “mysterious middle” is like for us as we live in God’s kingdom. The good news and encouragement is that even though we don’t know exactly what God is doing, it is enough to know that He is doing His good work to bring us to the joyful end of His salvation story.

With God, beginnings have hope, endings have joy, but the middle can be mysterious.

How do you deal with the “mysterious middle”:

  • When you don’t know how long the middle will last?

  • When you don’t know what God is doing?

This parable (Mark 4:26-29) acknowledges the reality that in God’s kingdom there is a mysterious middle. But it also teaches us that God is there.

You don’t have to know exactly what God is doing, just that He’s in the middle doing His work.

Sermon Discussion Questions | “The Mysterious Middle”

  1. How do you deal with living in the “mysterious middle” as you wait for God to do His work?

  2. How does knowing the ending of God’s story help you as you live in the middle?

  3. What happens when we try to take the middle process into our own hands? What is so hard about letting God be in charge of what’s happening in the middle?

  4. What is one encouragement you took away from this message that will help you as you live in the mysterious middle?

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