Power Naps & Eagle Wings | Mark 1:29-39

Sermon Discussion Questions | Power Naps & Eagle Wings

  1. Discuss what you should do when you become physically tired. Discuss what you should do when you become emotionally or spiritually “weary”. And when the fast pace of modern life overwhelms you…….what do you try to do?

  2. Isaiah, chapter 40, describes the ALMIGHTY Creator God as one who never gets tired out….who doesn’t even stop to catch His breath. And Isaiah says when we get weary we should just WAIT ON THE LORD…… What does waiting on the Lord look like in your life?

  3. Pastor Buegler shared the modern proverb: “It’s hard to soar with the eagles when you work with a bunch of turkeys.” What does this say about the importance of surrounding (and connecting) ourselves with other members of Christ’s church? Discuss why we NEED EACH OTHER.

  4. If the maps we have been using these weeks have revealed other members of the congregation who live in your immediate sub-divisions……what might you do to contact them once in a while? Discuss what it would mean to take a plate of cookies over to your member neighbor and get to know them a little better. Or, discuss other ideas to connect to member dots.

    Before we enter the Lenten season we learn again how important it is to GATHER AND GROW so that as we look at the world around us we can GIVE AND GO. To God be the Glory.

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