Jesus Juke | Acts 17:16-31, 1 Peter 3:13-22, John 14:15-21

Sermon Notes: “Jesus Juke”

  1. A “Jesus juke” is when you try to force Jesus into a conversation, often unnaturally. 

  2. We don’t need to hijack a conversation for Jesus.

  3. Paul didn’t condemn their idol worship, he used it as a connection to the truth.

  4. The “pre-Jesus” conversations matter as much as the conversations about Jesus.

Sermon Summary:

As Paul arrives in Athens (Acts 17), he sees it is filled with idols. Rather than condemning them or abruptly shifting the conversation to Jesus, he uses it as a bridge to talk about what he’s observed and heard there in Athens. We learn from Paul to not “Jesus juke” a conversation, but rather, make real connections to Jesus. 

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