“Dr. Jesus” | Hosea 5:15-6:6 and Matthew 9:9-13

Sermon Summary: Dr. Jesus

Jesus came to save sinners. You are a sinner. Your neighbor is a sinner. Your pastor is a sinner. Everyone in the world is a sinner. Even the people you dislike need to hear God’s word of forgiveness. In this sermon based on Matthew 9:9-13, we will look at how Jesus humbles us, showing us we are no better than anyone else, and how we also have been given the same forgiveness as everyone else. 

Sermon Notes: Hosea 5:15-6:6 and Matthew 9:9-13

  1. A tax collector was one of the worst kinds of people in society. 

  2. A “sinner” was someone who was flagrantly in violation of God’s law.

  3. There are only 2 kinds of people in the world: sinners and forgiven sinners.

  4. At the foot of the cross, we are all equal.

  5. Sin is a deadly disease that only Jesus can cure

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