Why We Remember | Catechism Challenge: Baptism | Acts 2:36-41 and John 3:1-15

Sermon Summary: Baptism

Baptism is one of the greatest gifts God has given us. Though baptism is a one-time event, it’s important for us to daily remember our baptism. In this sermon, we discuss baptism, and why it is important for us to daily remember it.

Sermon Notes: Baptism

  1. Two main reasons for baptism:

    1. Jesus commanded it.

    2. We need it.

  2. Why we remember our baptism:

    1. It gives us assurance in times of doubt.

    2. Being reminded of the work God has done for you.

    3. Comfort and assurance in death.

    4. Reminding you that you’re a new creation.

Scriptures referenced: Matthew 28:18-21; Acts 2:36-41; Acts 22:12-16; Romans 6:1-4; Romans 6:23; Galatians 3:27-29

Discussion Guide: Baptism

  1. How has your morning routine changed over the years? 

  2. What typically starts your day off on a good note? On a bad note?

  3. Out of the 4 reasons Pastor Josh mentioned (about why you should remember your baptism), is there one that stands out to you the most? (Reasons: It gives us assurance in times of doubt; it reminds us of the work God has done for us; it gives comfort and assurance in death, reminding you that you’re a new creation.)

  4. In your house, what are the most important things celebrated? How do you celebrate them? 

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