Above the Manger Looms the Cross | Luke 2:34-35

Above the Manger Looms the Cross | Sermon Discussion Questions

Sermon Discussion Questions - 12/17/23 - Pastor Buegler

1. Just because God became flesh and dwelt among us……just because he lived a perfect life…….just because he taught the truth and showed us how to love……there would still be no reconciliation between God and sinful humans. Why? What was still necessary for Jesus to be our Savior? Discuss why……

2. It’s hard to believe when old Simeon told Mary a “sword would pierce through her own soul” that he was speaking prophetically of Mary’s time on Calvary’s hill. And yet not only prophets, but Jesus himself, had announced the death of the Lamb of God. How is it possible that the cross has become for us a symbol of victory?

3. So wouldn’t it be good for us all to take a walk under the winter sky……look up at a million stars……and wonder as we wander how poor baby Jesus was born for to die? A strange Christmas tradition don’t you think? And as you are walking remember all the ways you are that poor or’ny person for which he died.

4. And the wages of sin is our own “born to die” reality. But praise be to God the victory of the open tomb is also ours and gives us the motivation to live that victory in the way we live thankfully, prayfully, generously, lovingly as servants of the risen King. Talk about ways that the Christmas miracle sets a new spiritual reality to the new year about to come from our Lord.

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