Formed In My Mother’s Womb | Psalm 139:13

Formed In My Mother’s Womb | Sermon Discussion Questions

1. The Scriptures teach a lot about life in the womb. All the teachings are built on the fact that FROM CONCEPTION we are considered by the Creator as a human life. Discuss the implications of this simple, yet profound, truth when it comes to aborting those lives…..regardless of the method.

2. How does an honest discussion of terminating an “unwanted pregnancy” demand that we also talk about reckless sexual behavior that deviates from the Creator’s intent that procreation is intended for a man and a woman within the marriage estate? Discuss abortion as a result of sexual promiscuity.

3. Many want to see legal exceptions for pregnancy that results from rape (also incestual rape). What should be our response to this concern?

4. Another concern is when the “life of the mother” is at risk unless the pregnancy is terminated. How does a pro-life stance respond to this situation?

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