Check out our EVENTS tab for special worship services

and fellowship opportunities!

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as disciples of jesus at st. paul, we:


Together regularly for worship to receive God’s gifts.


in our relationship with God and with fellow disciples of Jesus through the study of His word, prayer and community. 


of our time, talents and treasures to serve the needs of others in our church, our surrounding community and our world.


throughout our everyday lives to make more disciples who will follow jesus.


Worship Services and Activities: Select “Events” in the top right of this page

Worship Services

Disciples of Jesus need to gather for worship together. In worship, we receive the gifts of God - His Word and Sacraments. We hear God’s Word read and preached each week in worship. We remember our identity as baptized children of God. We receive the Lord’s Supper together. We grow in the unity of faith that we have in Jesus. At St. Paul, we prioritize gathering every week. It is a spiritual habit that will deepen your relationship with God and with others who follow Him. 


Contemporary Service - 5:00pm



8:15am Traditional Service *


9:15am Breakfast Treats & Fellowship


9:45am Traditional Service


9:45am Discipleship Classes


11:00am Contemporary Service *

(Activity Center)

*Services are live streamed

*Communion is offered on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th, weekends of the month

 Worship Service Live Stream

 Check Out Our Events Page For News About What’s Happening At St. Paul!