Worship Services


Lutheran worship puts the focus squarely on Jesus Christ, who is present for us and with us through His Word and Sacraments. Lutheran worship is, therefore, Christ-centered, not man-centered. When we are gathered for worship, we are not contemplating some far-off Christ or meditating on abstract concepts, or pondering various principles for living. Neither are we in church to be amused or entertained. Christ is living and active among us, right where He has promised to be in His Word and Sacraments. Jesus said, “Lo, I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). When He gathers us around His Word and Sacraments, He fulfills this promise to us once again. 




Contemporary Service - 5:00pm


*Services are live streamed

*Communion is offered on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th, weekends of the month


8:15am Traditional Service *


9:15am Breakfast Treats & Fellowship


9:45am Traditional Service


9:45am Discipleship Classes


11:00am Contemporary Service *

(Activity Center)